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From the world's first to a debt of 70 billion, Chairman of Shenyang Machine Tool: Within 2 years, it will be earth-shaking


       Liaoning, as China's heavy industry base, the eldest son of the Republic, has many heavy machinery enterprises. These enterprises are basically state-owned enterprises, and Shenyang Machine Tool Factory is such an enterprise. As the chairman of Shenyang Machine Tool Factory, Guan Xiyou and the Machine Tool Factory have experienced many years of ups and downs. Guan Xiyou devoted a lot of effort to it. He once led the Shenyang Machine Tool Factory to study core technologies, and eventually overtake Germany and Japan, becoming a leader in the world. But in the end, the high investment led to the final bankruptcy of Shenyang Machine Tool Factory with a debt of 70 billion yuan, but Guan Xiyou still believed that this was a necessary sacrifice made by Shenyang Machine Tool Factory for the development of heavy industry. Within two years, the world will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes. As a technical leader, Guan Xiyou does not value interests, but the future.

        Study hard and serve the country

       Guan Xiyou graduated from Tongji University, majoring in mechanical manufacturing. After graduation, Guan Xiyou at that time could have entered the office like other classmates, worked as an office worker, and had a decent job. But he didn't make such a choice. He knew the major he had studied, and he would return all the knowledge he had learned to the teacher while sitting in the office, so he entered the Sino-Czech Friendship Factory and started as a front-line worker. A true combination of hands-on learning techniques.

       Guan Xiyou is a very stable person. After working in the front line for so many years, his performance has been very good. Because of his outstanding performance, Guan Xiyou was also sent to Japan to receive higher-level technical studies. At that time, China's machine tool technology was still at a very weak stage, and it was not as mature as foreign countries. Guan Xiyou came to Japan to study with such a mission. I hope that through learning and mastering the technology, it can be applied in various fields. Study abroad for a long time. Guan Xiyou found that the gap between domestic and foreign countries is indeed huge. As a very small country, Japan's technology and economy are indeed unmatched by China. And Guan Xiyou also understands that technology is the foundation of scientific development. As long as there is superb technology, there is no need to worry about economic development.

       Guan Xiyou is a patriotic young man. In order to serve the country well after returning to China, Guan Xiyou worked very hard when he was studying. In the end, Guan Xiyou returned from his studies and returned to serve the motherland with the skills he learned back. After returning to China, Guan Xiyou made suggestions for the factory with what he had learned. Slowly, Guan Xiyou gradually worked out from front-line workers to various positions, and finally at the age of 38, he became the general manager of Shenyang Machine Tool Factory.

       Bold reform for innovation

       Shenyang Machine Tool Factory is of great significance in modern times. China's first machine tool was born here. However, at that time, the Chinese were somewhat resting on their laurels. Under the leadership of this leader, Shenyang Machine Tool Factory went from bad to worse, which was also a dilemma faced by many old Chinese enterprises at that time. Talent is the primary productive force of technology. But at that stage, layoffs became the only way for each factory to retain strength. Especially in the introduction of talents, many college students are not considered, and only recruit experienced workers. Although this approach saves personnel expenses, it can only produce machine tools without any technical level. Just when Shenyang Machine Tool Factory was crumbling, Guan Xiyou took over the factory.

       It was also at this time that China entered a period of rapid economic development. Because of the increase in orders, Shenyang Machine Tool Factory quickly regained its vitality. However, Guan Xiyou found that not only himself, but also the entire Shenyang Machine Tool Factory was already in a dead end. Guan Xiyou has been a front-line worker for many years, so they know what they want most in their hearts. For the future of Shenyang Machine Tool Factory, he first started from the management system and completely changed the previous state; secondly, he vigorously increased the treatment of workers, increased bonuses, and improved the enthusiasm of employees through assessment and other methods; not only that, He also recruited a large number of college students, hoping to get new ideas for enterprise development through these college students.

       But these are all aspects of enterprise management. If you want Shenyang Machine Tool Factory to truly develop and grow, technology is still the most important. At that time, Shenyang Machine Tool Factory purchased technology from developed countries such as the United States and Italy, and spent a lot of money, but there was no core technology, so there was no way to cooperate. Guan Xiyou also fully understood that technology can never be shared or cooperated with them.

       To the top, to the bottom

       Shenyang Machine Tool Factory seems to have come back to life under a series of reforms by Guan Xiyou. In order to better study the technology, Guan Xiyou set up a research team to create a new CNC system for machine tools. But all scientific research needs the support of money. Although there is a team, but without money, the project is difficult to carry on. So Guan Xiyou made up his mind and decided to take a loan from the bank. And all this money is invested in research technology. The investment is huge and the return is huge. With the efforts of the team led by Guan Xiyou, the intelligent motion control system was finally born. That was the highlight moment of Shenyang Machine Tool Factory. He surpassed other countries with developed equipment manufacturing industry and stood at the top of the world for a while.

       Afterwards, his team developed the i5 CNC system, and Guan Xiyou and his team were very confident in this technology. However, Guan Xiyou seemed to have forgotten his identity as the chairman of the board, and devoted himself to research, but did not judge the environment of the factory well. Not only the outside world is not optimistic, but even the inside of Shenyang Machine Tool Factory has many voices against it. This technology is not mature, so the funds cannot be recovered, and the loan invested in the research in the early stage has also aggravated the decline of Shenyang Machine Tool Factory. In the end, Guan Xiyou announced his resignation from all positions in Shenyang Machine Tool Factory. And Shenyang Machine Tool Factory did not save it in the end and went bankrupt. Shenyang Machine Tool Factory took only a few short years from reaching the top to falling from the altar, and then embarked on the road of no return.

       Summary:Technology is the future of a country.

       Only with a high level of technology can our country have a place in the international community. However, scientific research is a very expensive thing. We must first develop the economy, and at the same time, we must also do a good job in technology research and development. In this way, both hands will not be like Shenyang Machine Tool Factory, which will eventually lead to demise. After the first innovation, Shenyang Machine Tool Factory created the miracle of the first machine tool in the world. But technology is to develop, and stagnation is to be surpassed by others sooner or later. Guan Xiyou's innovative approach is good, but no matter how good technological innovation is, it must be linked to reality. Finally, Shenyang Machine Tool Factory has a debt of 70 billion yuan, and the income and expenditure are seriously unbalanced. But Guan Xiyou still believes that Shenyang Machine Tool Factory is a self-sacrifice for the development of the entire industry. Only in this way can we get more advanced mechanical production technology.